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Excellence in Education

Business & Family and Consumer Sciences


Director: Mr. Toby Elmore

Lead Teacher: Mrs. Carolyn Milano



A large number of Commack High School Students who pursue a two/four-year college degree will major in some aspect of business or communications. This is not surprising when we consider that most of the jobs needed during the next decade will require a business background. The Business Department has courses and programs to meet a variety of student interests and needs. Our teachers have decades of work experience that they bring into the classroom and are able to breathe life into their lessons by giving our students a sense of the real world application of the material being learned.


We have also continued to expand our course offerings and have many opportunities for our students to earn college credit. Through our affiliation with LIU Post, our students can earn at least 15 college credits, at a significantly discounted cost.


Over the years, we have established excellent relationships with a number of local businesses and have been able to successfully land a number of students meaningful internship opportunities. In some cases these internships have spanned a number of years and students have been able to retain employment with the business while they were in college. We are very grateful to these businesses for their ongoing support of the excellent program offered by the CHS Business Department. 

Family & Consumer Sciences

The FACS program at CHS provides courses for our students seeking to further their own personal growth and understanding of child development.

  • Students who have maintained an academic focus in business and have met the BHS requirements are eligible to apply for membership.


    Applications will be posted here.  Please use your school email to submit completed applications to


    I wish you all a wonderful, healthy year!

  • The Annual Emerging Leaders Competition will be held on Wed., Dec. 4th. Check back here in early October for all the details and the event outlines.

  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) encourages its members to develop the leadership and organizational skills they have learned in their business classes and to connect those skills to future careers. Club members arrange field trips to local businesses, develop guest speaker programs, attend county, state, and national business competitions, and fund-raise for local charities. FBLA is open to all students who are currently enrolled in a business course or who have previously taken a business course.

    FBLA is one of the larger clubs at CHS. Our annual events include participating in Halloween Happening and our flagship event - Spring Fun Day.